Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Alot of times I get distracted from what I am doing...... if u have ever seen me preach you deffinatley know what I am talking about. It is so easy to get distracted. For instance when you are in class and the person next to you starts to talk to you, you automatically concentrate on that person and not the teacher, and like always that's when the teacher calls on you.... at least that is what always happens to me. But I have found that when I make sure and try hard to concentrate and to not let myself get distracted and I be intentional about it, there is no limitation on my focus. I say this because lately I have noticed that in reading my bible and in prayer I get distracted because im not being intentional. its the same thing when we feel close to God at church or we make big decisions for God and then during the week we allow ourselves to get distracted.

My challenge is this, start being intentional about your prayers and reading your bible. find a spot in your house or backyard that will be designated as your prayer and reading your bible spot. Be intentional about your relationship with God and you will see such a change in your life.

Tonight is going to be awesome, we have some surprises in store :)

1 comment:

bleh said...

Sorry about that one time that me and Stephen were talking and you put us on the spot :/